Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
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Youth Softball Program SP 24 (6 - 15 Years Old)

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

The 2024 Bexley Youth Softball Program will offer divisions for 1st – 9th graders! Practices will be twice a week and are based on field space and coach availability. Dates and times are subject to change.

Gahanna Softball League (8U, 10U, 12U Divisions)
This league will play in the Gahanna softball league. Teams will play an equal number of games in Bexley and Gahanna. Please register your child based on her age as of January 1, 2024.

8U Division (Coach Pitch)                   
Age: 6 – 8
Game Day: Monday, Wednesday, &/or Friday
10U Division                    
Age: 8 – 10  
Game Day: Tuesday & Thursday
12U Division                  
Age: 10 – 12  
Game Day: Monday, Wednesday, &/or Friday

Westerville Softball League (U15 Division)
The 2024 Bexley Youth Softball Program offers a U15 Division (7th-9th) that will play in the Westerville Softball League. The season runs early June to mid/late July. Please register your child based on her age as of April 30, 2024.
Age: 13 - 15
Game Day: Tuesday & Thursday (**Days may vary based on field availability in Westerville**)

Equipment Requirements:

All players are required to provide their own glove, pants (no gym shorts), cleats/tennis shoes, and water bottle. Bexley Recreation will provide jerseys, hats/visors, socks, helmets, and catcher’s gear. Optional Equipment (for players to provide): Bat and Batting Helmet (must have a mask for 12U and under).

Volunteer Coaches and League/Team Sponsors
In order for the Youth Baseball Program to continue to thrive, we need the support of volunteer coaches and league and/or team sponsors. Please contact Josh Hester at 614.559.4304 or for more information.
Softball Evaluations
All 8U, 10U, and 12U players will need to attend one evaluation day. (15U Softball does not have to attend evaluations unless specified.)
Saturday, April 6 OR Sunday, April 7 @ Maryland elementary school diamond
(Location subject to change, based on weather)

Registration Deadlines: Friday, March 29 @ Noon  – All Leagues
Please note that even though there is a registration deadline, leagues may reach the max number of participants BEFORE the deadline, which may cause your child to be wait listed. To avoid this, be sure to register early! *Late registrations may be subject to league availability and a $10 late fee.