Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
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Sporties for Shorties FA 24 (3 Years Old) Register View Cart

Sporties for Shorties is full of fun and games to get the “little ones” moving!!  We focus on the fundamental motor skills.  With the most fun games around, your child will develop skills and have a ball at the same time!

Instructor: Coach Chris

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Sporties for Shorties FA 24 (445p) 
3y N/A Tu  10/08/2024 - 10/29/2024
04:45 PM - 05:15 PM

Montrose Elementary School - Gym
$55.00 Res, $55.00 Non-Res
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Sporties for Shorties FA 24 (515p) 
3y N/A Tu  10/08/2024 - 10/29/2024
05:15 PM - 05:45 PM

Montrose Elementary School - Gym
$55.00 Res, $55.00 Non-Res
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Sporties for Shorties FA 24 (Sat, 1000a) 
3y N/A Sa  10/19/2024 - 11/09/2024
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Montrose Elementary School - Gym
$55.00 Res, $55.00 Non-Res