Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
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Nature Programs FA 24 (6 - 12 Years Old)

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

Creepy Crawly Children’s Walk (Aug. 24)
Instructor: Caton Williamson, Metro Parks Naturalist
Turn over logs, check under bark and peek under a rock to discover the fascinating world of creepy crawlies. From ants to slugs, to millipedes to beetles, to the all-time favorite roly-polies - kids will discover the micro-worlds of woodland life in damp, dark places and the benefits these creatures provide. Spy glasses for magnification will be available.

Gone Fishin with Tom (Sept. 7)
Instructor: Tom Kirker, Metro Parks Ranger, Outdoor Educator, Retired Teacher
*Child must be accompanied by an adult
Kids will learn beginning fishing skills including tying knots, identifying fish, netting and safety in the shallows of Alum Creek at Jeffrey Woods.  Bring your pole if you have one. We have a few lightweight, beginner poles to share. Also some nets. Learn about the stream dynamics of Alum Creek life. Wear appropriate footwear and clothing for wading. (Weather permitting.)

Fall Birding Basics (Sept. 28)
Instructor: Nora Steele, Nature Artist and Naturalist  

Do you know what birds call Bexley home? Enjoy a guided hike and learn all about the birds of Jeffery Woods and in your own backyard! Kids will learn to identify backyard birds by their behavior, call, shape and color. Binoculars are recommended, but we can share. Best suited for beginning birders.

Mandala Rock Painting Craft Class (Nov. 24)
Instructor: Nora Steele, Nature Artist and Naturalist   

Register and create your own magical Mandala Rock Paiting to take home. This is a family friendly project. 
Constance Paul Memorial Fund Grant Image