Returning gardeners will get the first right of refusal to their plot each season. Wait lists may form and they are considered a running wait list from year to year. We encourage you to add yourself to the wait list as plots do open up each year. If a plot opens, we will refer to the full running wait list and reach out in that order.
The registration window (or to get on the wait list) will be open from January 7, 2025 - October 31, 2025. The month of November will be closed for returning gardener registration for the next season.
The Friends of Bexley Community Gardens have two locations for gardening (North & South Bexley). This program is a collaboration between the community gardeners and the City of Bexley. Its purpose is to provide Bexley residents, as well as neighboring communities, with a place to garden and promote friendship. New gardeners should be able to start gardening in their raised bed(s) on April 1, however, water may not be available until all danger of frost has passed.
The South Gardens are located at Schneider Park just North of Livingston Ave. Each garden plot consists of two, 4' X 14' raised beds.
The North Gardens are located by the Bexley Police Department off Delmar Drive. Each garden plot consists of one, 8' X 14' raised bed.
Garden bed assignments are subject to availability and confirmation of compliance with registration rules. Please be aware, garden plots require attention throughout the growing season. Weeding of your plot and path is expected.
Some garden tools are available and all gardeners have access to compost and water. Educational programs are offered throughout the season along with Master Gardener Volunteers. A monthly newsletter is emailed to all gardeners, announcing upcoming work days, garden events, and educational topics.
In an effort to create a true community garden, you will be asked to contribute two (2) hours of time to help maintain the common areas in each garden next year. Also, you will be required to attend our spring meeting where we discuss the garden rules and answer any questions you may have.
If you have any questions about the community gardens, please contact Garden Leadership at